you are here.

It’s a good sign.

No, really. Isn’t it?

Maybe it doesn’t always feel that way when you’re navigating this journey called Life.

Arriving… Arriving… Arriving…

Only to find yourself at the same sign, YOU ARE HERE.

Perhaps you ignore the sign. Maybe you see the sign and dare I say, judge it or even yourself as insignificant or not good enough. Or you’re a seasoned driver type that sees the sign, takes in the experience for a fraction of a second….

And in all cases, you keep going.

Looking for some other sign that’s going to tell you something different.

Take you somewhere else. Like maybe, uhmmm…. THERE!

Most definitely, maybe not here, for too long. That’s for sure.

If this is you, you’re not alone.

This was my story.

My name is Billy and I Am Here.

This is a personal blog about me navigating this multi-dimensional journey called Life.

Expressing, Learning and Deepening.

Arriving… Arriving… Arriving…

more and more as the embodiment of Divine Love, Consciousness + Mystery that you and I are.

Remembering that in the present moment lies Infinite direction, Infinite Loving.

With that Perspective,

let’s get on the road!


P.S. To get my latest blog post Subscribe below.

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Billy Rose is a Soul Coach, Artist and Healer residing in Toronto. She uses her own life journey as a creative canvas through which the muse works.
For more of her work and projects visit: Billy Rose.